‘Though the sex to which I belong is considered weak, you will nevertheless find me a rock that bends to no wind.’

Queen Elizabeth I

This is a blog dedicated to telling the stories of some of the most fascinating royal women of the last two centuries. It’s primarily a personal passion project that will hopefully have the bonus effect of being entertaining and informative to others!

Some important pointers:

– I am not professing to be an expert of any kind; I’m just someone interested in these stories who wants to express that interest.

– As I’m not an expert, I will inevitably make some mistakes along the way. Please be understanding of the fact that there is a lot of conflicting information out there and that I am often working with source material in languages I don’t speak.

– I am always open to corrections and advice from well intentioned people who have more knowledge and experience than me in both royal history and blog writing.

– I’m also always open to requests for topics to write on; even someone like me with an intense interest in royal women won’t have heard of all of them so if there’s someone you’d like me to do a piece on, please get in touch!

– Any images, videos or other media used on this site are owned entirely by the respective copyright holders. I makes no claim or financial or intellectual ownership by their inclusion and any copyright holder wishing to have their property removed should contact me directly.

– The best ways to get in touch with me are via Twitter or Instagram.

About The Author

I’ve had an interest in the royal women of the world for the last couple of years and have enjoyed doing long threads on some lesser known figures on Twitter. However, I became frustrated with being restricted to 240 characters and 25 tweets per thread, as it meant I had to leave out a lot of important and interesting information. After ranting to a friend about these restrictions, he suggested a blog, and thus, Regular Royal Queens was born!

Away from here, I’ve lived in the beautiful county of Lincolnshire since 2017, having moved here to study a degree in politics and sociology. I graduated with a 2:1 in 2021 and have worked in the education sector for the last year and a half. Alongside my royal writings, I’m also involved in political activism and my other interests include vintage fashion, theatrical history and scaring children.

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